Thursday, May 17, 2012

Speak up!

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to get some friends and work out which ones you can trust with something's, most hints, land anything then went hey have stuff going on listen, when you have something going on Talk. Friends are a life saver iso many ways ( and their parents can be a great source of support and encouragement As well. I have found that most people cannot read minds so they do not know th epaiyou are in or what it means for you, talk! Most people do however really care so share. While a once famous Liverpool Manager said, "Football is not a matter of life and death, it is much more than that". I think we can agree that the power of teams is how well they work together. Your team that helps in life is no different but way more important. Respect! Richard Richard Kerr-Bell

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Facebook and Texting

The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own.  No apologies or excuses.  No one to lean on, rely on, or blame.  The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.  This is the day your life really begins.  ~Bob Moawad
One of the greatest challenges for people in the era of cell phones and internet access is managing the
're-activity' muscle we all seem to have.
Stay in control of your world

It is almost that these two powerful tools have become like remote controls for our emotions and actions, and the killer is, it is controlled by anyone who has our number or is a FB friend or friend of a friend or friend of a friend of a friend of a .... you get the idea.

The reality is they are to stay, until the next technological advance or we get sick of the lack of real conversation and human contact. So how can we deal with this need to check, this addiction to participate and be involved?

Here are some ideas:
  • Cell phiones off at night and left inthe kitchen
  • Don't take it with you if you are not having a good day (someone else will have theirs if you need to ring home)
  • Agree with your close friends not o pass on gossip 
  • If you do receive anything offensive or threatening or hurtful show a responsible adult
  • Decide to respond in person or wait a day. This takes the power out of the effect the person may have assumed they had by sending it
  • If you must respond, be overly positive and kind as if you hadn't received it
  • Set aside times to check info
  • Use a land line or give out your land line number to anyone not your best friend
  • Get anew SIM card or change your number
  • Choose to respond to all txt 'later' -never right away. That way you are in control not the phone or those sending the txt.
With FB you must adjust your privacy settings to only immediate friends or family, able to see or post to your wall. And if someone tells you or shows you stuff someone else has put on that is offensive or hurtful, show an adult, print it of for proof, then carry on as if you have not seen it. It will take the sting out, just respond to people, no I haven't seen it and I don't care. Truly be ignorant!

Look after your self, control your own life and emotions -chose good friends you respect and who respect you.

Take care -laugh lots


Friday, April 1, 2011

Healthy Relationships

If only we could learn this stuff and remember it before we have a relationship that matters!

Better late then never works for me. Having worked with teens and couples about to be married, married and separated there are definitely some things that stand out if you want to maintain a great to long term relationship.

First some basic values listed by 15-16 year olds as their number one in no particular order:
  • Trust
  • Communication
  • Respect
Other important ones mentioned were:
  • A sense of humour
  • Honesty
  • Freedom
  • Friendship
Also, know that sarcasm is always a put down and not funny -they may laugh with you but it will hurt.

Don't ask for an honest answer then spit the dummy and throw your toys out of the cot because it isn't the one you wanted. Listen, share how you feel about it and why.

SUPER HOT TIPS -if you feel any of these, take a step back and share what is going on for you. You will be more likely to start an argument or conflict.
  • Check yourself : Am I Tired - Stressed - Hungry - Sad - going through change ?
Talk about it with your friend when you see them.
  • If you don't think you are safe -you aren't
  •  When you spend more time worried and learning about their issues you need to step back -this is called co-dependency and leads to a narrow focus and manipulation.
  • You can expect that at different times you will give a bit and they will give a bit.


Korero kia rongo i tou reo rangatira, speak so that we can hear and see your best and noble self,
the deepest, most powerful, most peaceful, and knowledgeable part of you -your chiefly actions.